Blog | Quantum Storage Solutions

Did You Know? 10 Quantum Facts That Benefit Our Customers

Written by Test Author | Nov 12, 2024 6:45:20 PM

As The Organization Experts, we know the importance of compartmentalizing important assets for the greater good of the company. In many ways, articulating those benefits can be similar. That's why we put together some important facts about Quantum Storage Systems that you may not know.


We did not compile these Did You Know tidbits because we felt they would be an amusing internal exercise—though some of these facts are certainly fun. We compiled them because they directly correlate to benefits for our customers.

After all, we're not just The Organization Experts. We have also made it our business to help your business with customer service and personalized attention that's unrivaled in the storage solution business.

So, let's look at ten things you didn't know about Quantum...

🛠️ We turn ideas into solutions.

Yes, we design and create our own solutions based on the unique needs of our customers. In fact, we bring to market 20 to 30 new solutions each year, which is the equivalent of launching a new SKU every 12 days. Many of these products are rooted in direct feedback on the challenges our customers face. We guess that makes us great listeners, too!

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get the exact solution you need to solve your unique operational and storage challenges.

💬 We speak your language.

We understand the reasons behind phrases like essential processes, vertical storage, ergonomic designs, durability, and safety. Not only do we understand them, they are at the heart of every design we create.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get solutions crafted on an understanding of your business.

🚢 We ship now.

Supply chain shortages? We're not sure what you're talking about. When you order storage systems from Quantum, 99 percent of our products can ship within 24 hours of ordering.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get storage solutions on time and when you need them the most, no matter which storage system you need.

📐 We have a ton of space.

When you commit to shipping everything within a day, you need a lot of storage space. You have to organize that space, too, of course. In fact, our facility includes 1.5 million square feet, which is equal to 26 football fields.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get more assurance that we have what you need, and we learn a few lessons ourselves about organizing a massive warehouse, a knowledge that we're happy to transfer right to our customers.

🕰️ We have experience.

Speaking of knowledge, we have a lot of it. Our staff is incredibly well-versed in all aspects of organizational storage. Quantum was founded in 1988, meaning we have been around longer than Amazon, eBay, or Google.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get expert advice on not only which storage systems will make the biggest impact on your needs but also some ideas on how to best utilize those systems.

👋 We have a lot of people who can help.

When you have an operation that spans 26 football fields, you need a lot of people to fill it. How many? Let's put it this way. It would take a Boeing 747-400 to proudly fit all 450 Quantum employees . . . and growing!

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You can join us on the plane as we help solve your unique organizational challenges with one of the largest and greatest teams in the industry. Let The Organization Experts help you today!

🏭 We have a lot of products serving many industries.

With over 25,000+ storage solutions—from foodservice to medical to material handling and more—we have a fit for just about everybody. In fact, we looked it up—we could give every resident of Mason City, IA their own unique Quantum solution and still have some left over to organize their county fair.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You have unique needs. We have solutions. No matter what industry you're in—even if you're not in the industry at all—The Organization Experts can help.

🌎 We go beyond our borders.

We serve a wide regional market with a strong presence in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida, but our reach doesn't stop there.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You can access solutions from Quantum Storage Systems no matter where you operate.

👪 We are employee-driven.

Many Quantum employees have been with the company for more than a decade, creating a culture of loyalty and long-term growth.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get the assurance of consistency and reliability that our staff provides, not just to our customers, but to each other.

™️ We can offer private branding capabilities. 

Quantum Storage Systems provides branding and white-labeling solutions that can help other companies build their own specialized product lines.

THE CUSTOMER BENEFIT: You get wider access to the products you need from the specialists who know why you need them.